Donate now to help provide essential items for children to return to school

CGRC will use donations to purchase much needed essential items including sneakers, socks, underwear, clothing and school uniforms to prepare children to return to school.

Donate now to help provide essential items for children to return to school image

We are getting ready to go back to school!

CGRC's case managers work with over 250 families in Chester, Delaware and Philadelphia Counties to help them access resources to improve their functionality and quality of life. These families are struggling financially and this campaign is designed to help outfit children to return to school. No child should be embarrassed to be wearing shoes or clothing they've outgrown because it is the only thing they have.

This is our annual fundraising drive to address those issues; it is something we can all do to alleviate the stress on parents and caregivers and help children feel confident and happy to return to their classrooms.

Your donation will be used to purchase essential items for 100 of our neediest clients - sneakers, underwear, socks, pants, shirts and tops. Our case managers will personally deliver items to each family before school starts to lift the family's spirits and get children excited for a new school year.

Please help us in this effort, every contribution counts and imagine the smiles that you will bring to the faces of these children.